Neck Pain Cure - Great Home Remedies For Great Relief

Neck Pain Cure - Great Home Remedies For Great Relief

Are you suffering from neck pain? Then its time you knew what is causing your neck pain. There are a number of causes for neck pain like poor posture, straining your neck, diseases, illness and injury which lead to stiffness of the neck along with pain. Tension which is associated with today's world which is running a rat race is a main cause for most people having neck pain. Neck pain recurs for people who have previously suffered from it. There are some great home remedies when it comes to permanent relief from neck pain. The best thing would be to approach a doctor and talk of ways in which you can address this problem. Your doctor would suggest a home exercise program like stretching exercises which could help to stretch your neck and provide greater neck flexibility which will entail pain relief. Research shows that it is neck exercises which bring about greater relief than taking drugs and bed rest when it comes to treating neck pain.

Something else a person can try is applying a cold compress to bring about pain relief as this would reduce inflammation and help to numb the pain. Tension in the muscles surrounding the neck is often caused due to emotional stress. So identifying the causes for stress can go a long way to reduce neck pain. Learning to relax helps relieve tension in the neck. Sit in or better still lie down in a calm quiet place. Gently close your eyes and consciously begin by tensing and relaxing the muscles starting from your neck to the base of your feet. Concentrate on every part of your body. This is a great way to relax. Another method for pain relief is by doing deep abdominal breathing. Taking deep long breaths by inhaling air to expand your abdomen and then releasing it slowly will also help relieve pain. As you exhale pull in your tummy. Exhale and inhale slowly for at least 15 minutes feeling your stomach expand and contract with every breath.

What most people don't realize is that it is poor posture that actually causes neck pain.
A great way to correct poor posture is by using a door or a wall to realign the shape of your body. Rest your body against a wall such that your shoulders and buttocks are just touching it. Keep your heels a few inches away from the wall .The back of your head too should be kept slightly away from the wall. Move away from the wall while keeping your chin upright. This will help realign your body shape. Practice this posture as you go about your work all day long.

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